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CEO and Founder of Everlasting Life, Evolve Vegan Restaurant, E-Life on Wheels and Vegaritos, you may have heard Dr. Baruch on the nationally syndicated Michael Baisden Show, reaching an audience of over 8 million daily.


Dr. Baruch is a widely sought after television and radio personality, with well over 30 years of experience as a health advocate. His aim is to empower by introducing concepts that help to initiate personal change from the inside out. 


Through entertaining, educational workshops and engaging, interactive lectures and seminars, Dr. Baruch teaches that in order to live well, one must address the multiple factors that take away from our health, such as poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and negative lifestyle choices. The countless testimonies he has received provide evidence that his methods and message are proven.


This website is dedicated to providing support to people who want to get well and stay well. Modern medicine has failed us when it comes to disease prevention and chronic disease recovery. Let's return to our roots and get back to that which works. 


To bring Dr. Baruch in to speak to your church, organization, fraternity/sorority, family reunion etc. please send an email to: with your request.

Dr. Baruch

And start living healthy TODAY

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Tel : 330-227-8241

© 2015 A World Without Sickness

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